Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Will's Baby Dedication

We celebrated a very special baby dedication yesterday at Otter Creek!  It was such a special time for us to commit Will to the Lord and commit to raising him in a Christ-centered home.  It was also a day that our church family commits to walk beside us and to support and encourage us as we parent this precious baby.  I was happy that our family could attend and be a part of the day.  Otter Creek also planned a very nice lunch after church for the families of all 31 babies who were part of the dedication!  Yes, 31!  That means that Will is going to have a TON of friends his age!

 Poppy T led the prayer over the babies!

cute table decorations!

Will and his girlfriend, Everleigh!!  I'm starting to believe in arranged marriages! :)

Will at 6 months!

So. Much. Fun!  Six months is such a fun age!  
If I could only slow down time as it is passing by just too quickly!  I think that my favorite part of the day is first thing in the morning when I go into his nursery and peek over the crib.  His little eyes light up and he gets so excited.  It's as though I've come to rescue him.  Every couple of days, I feel like he is doing something new.  First, it was this squeal that was piercing!  Next, he started saying his "b" sounds.  It was almost as if he was saying "bye bye."  So, I guess I will call that his official first word even though he has no idea what it means.  Then, it was this funny thing where he would blow his paci out of his mouth and laugh!  
Lots of things have changed over the last month.  We've started baby food, we've cut out the 10:30pm feeding (yay!), he is now sitting up all by himself and we've broken him of the swaddle!! Oh, and how could I forget, I believe that he is cutting not one tooth, but THREE teeth!  It's almost incomprehensible how much love you can feel for your child.  I feel as though each new day, I'm in love with him more than I was the day before!  
Happy 6th month birthday little buddy!  You have brought more joy to our life in the past 6 months than we could have possibly ever imagined!

6 month stats:
Weight: 14 lb 15 oz (7.5 percentile)
Height:  25 1/4 inches (9th percentile)
Head Circumference:  17.6 inches or 44.6 cm (71st percentile)

At 6 months:
~still breast feeding 4-5 times per day
~have started baby food--sweet potatoes, green peas, green beans, carrots, butternut squash and, just today, pears!  He loves all of them and never acted like any of it was anything new to him.  Just opened his mouth and swallowed! :)  He loves to eat his food and will cry from the minute you put him in the hair chair until the first bite of food goes into his mouth!
~can sit up all by himself, even though he still falls over sometimes
~we've cut out the 10:30pm feeding and it never phased him!  Sleeping from 7pm-7am!  I even got 10 hours of sleep last night, myself!
~no longer is sleeping with his arms swaddled (it was a rough week, but we are now back to normal!)
~ taking a morning nap, sometimes a lunchtime nap if we are home, and an afternoon nap
~After countless tries, Kyle and I have concluded that it is impossible to go out-to-eat for dinner.  We have every restaurant phone number programmed in our phone for take-out.
~still not rolling from his back to his stomach
~LOVES to standup
~is cutting teeth and from what I can tell, three of them!  This is rough on all of us.
~knows how to put his paci back in his mouth!
~loves going for rides in the stroller