Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Will at 18 months!

What a cute and fun age!  
It seems that almost everyday, Will is doing something new or making some kind of new, funny face!  He's getting smarter and smarter each day.  He's becoming more independent and shows signs of frustration when he can't do something that he is wanting to do (such as get the shape through the correct opening in his shape sorter).  He's such a happy little guy and, for the most part, is pretty go with the flow.
It's hard to believe that he is already 1.5!  

18 month stats:
Weight:  22 lbs 9 oz  (27th percentile)
Height: 32.25 inches  (43rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 48.25 cm  (74th percentile)

At 18 months:
~sleeps from 7:30pm-8pm to 7:30am
~occasionally takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap.  We are beginning to transition to just an afternoon nap.  Afternoon naps are about 2.5 hours-3 hours.
~is eating a little bit better.  He still has his moments where we only takes about 2 bites of food, but I don't let it bother me anymore.  Whatever---he'll eat when he's hungry.  Other meals, he seems to eat a decent amount.  Who knows?  We're doing something right because he's now in the 27th percentile...the highest he's ever been!
~some of his current favorite foods include: applesauce (duh!), salad (I think it's more of a vehicle for the salad dressing, but I'll take it!), diced pears, apples, mandarin oranges and grapes.  He will also eat broccoli, especially if it is dipped in ranch.  In fact, he will eat about anything if it is dipped in ranch or ketchup.
~continues to love his milk, but won't really touch water anymore.
~signs really well and has learned to sign "please" when he wants something.
~has started saying a couple of new words--apple, ball, shoes and uh oh (previously it was "oopsie").
~knows his animal sounds and will say them when prompted.
~LOVE LOVE LOVES to be outside
~maybe even more than being outside, he loves to swiffer and vacuum.  He asks me at least 50 times a day to get the vacuum out....Honey, Momma doesn't vacuum every day...
~loves babies and is really sweet with them....will hug and kiss on them.
~is doing great in the church nursery.  No more tears!
~has been obsessed with Mickey Mouse (and still is), but he loves his children's nursery rhymes video and wants to watch it everyday.  If I turn on Mickey, he will say "bye-bye" and pick up the remote to the dvd player for me to turn on the nursery rhymes video.
~had his 3rd haircut!
~has 12 teeth.
~is very smart and loves to have a task.  He will take his diapers to the garbage can, put his shoes back where they belong in his room and take our clothes to the laundry basket.
~seems to have a very good memory!

Life Group Christmas Party

We love our life group at Church and had a super fun time getting together to celebrate Christmas!  Thank you to John and Leslie for hosting!  We had great food, a fun game of dirty Santa and great fun!

We also celebrated Kyle's 30th birthday!  He said that he didn't want a big party, so I bought a cake and we sang happy birthday!  

Speaking of Kyle's 30th birthday---on his actual birthday, I invited his parents over for dinner and made homemade spaghetti with turkey meatballs.  It's one of his favorite dishes. We had cake and celebrated his special day!

Opryland at Christmas!

We met our good friends, Kyle, Ashley and Mason out at Opryland to look at the lights one Saturday night before Christmas.  Little did we know, everyone else in Middle Tennessee and the surrounding areas had the same idea on the same night.  Opryland was beautiful, the lights were beautiful, but the crowds were INSANE!  I definitely would like to go back next year, but will go during the week when, hopefully, the crowds won't be quite as bad!  It took us 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot when we were leaving.  Overall, it was a fun time and it's all about the photo op, right??

Wordless Wednesdays

 The best part about having Christmas presents delivered to the house (besides not having to fight the crowds, not having to haul around a 14 month old and not having to pay sales tax)?
Playing with the boxes!  This provided hours of entertainment for which I will forever be grateful!

Plus one more, just for fun...

It's Wednesday. I guess just not wordless..

Our attempt at Arts & Crafts...

I got overly ambitious one day (I think it was raining?) and decided to make finger paint for Will.  Good thing it was just flour, water and food coloring because all he really wanted to do was put his fingers in his mouth.  We ended up making a cute handprint Christmas tree, but I probably spent more time cleaning finger paint off of everything in the kitchen!

Catching up: Breakfast with Santa

I'm so far behind, but here goes nothing!
Our church hosts an annual Breakfast with Santa and we went for the first time this past Christmas.  Will did great!  He wasn't overly excited to sit on Santa's lap, but he didn't cry either, so I consider that a success!  He was mostly intrigued by this person with a big white beard.
Everleigh and Will taking over the stage!
 Our attempt at a family picture.
 Whew! The excitement wore him out!