Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 9, 2011

Will at 15 months!

Will turned 15 months way back at the beginning of November, but once again, I'm late posting.  As most of you know, a 15 month old keeps you very busy!  We had a scheduled 15 month well check visit that turned into a well check / make sure he is okay sick visit.  The poor little guy came down with the nastiest stomach bug that lasted 7 days.  After several days, I became worried that something else was going on, but the doctor confirmed that it was just a lingering bug.
It's tons of fun watching him discover and learn something new each day.  I've noticed that he is now following simple commands like, "sit down", "bring mommy your paci/milk", "go get a book and bring it to mommy."  There were even a couple of times that I asked him to bring me a specific book and he went to his room, found the exact book and brought it to me!  Also worth mentioning this month is the fact that Will has turned into the pickiest eater! What happened to my good eater??  So, mealtimes have become somewhat stressful, but I'm trying to relax and just let him eat or not eat.  No wonder he is so tiny....he barely eats! Lastly, he started cutting his molars...which may be contributing to the eating issue and has caused several nights of restless sleep.  Otherwise, a fun month of go, go, go with a toddler that doesn't like to sit still!
15 month stats:
Weight:  20 lbs 3 oz (14th percentile)
Height: 30 1/4 inches (18th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 cm (56th percentile)
At 15 months:
~sleeping from around 7pm--6:30am-7am
~continues to take two naps / day, but I sense that we are beginning to transition to one nap.
~running around like crazy!  He does not like to sit still, cuddle or be held for more than a few seconds.  Only at night will he allow (mostly Kyle) to rock him to sleep. 
~has turned into a picky eater.  I'm not even sure what his favorite food are anymore because one day he will eat something and the next day he won't have anything to do with it.  He does, however, seem to really like the squeezable pouches of applesauce and mixed fruits/veggies.  He LOVES his milk!
~Mickey Mouse and puppy dogs are his favorite!
~sticks his little tongue out when he's concentrating on something (so cute!)
~doesn't care to watch TV except the beginning and end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
~Still not talking much---dada, mama, his version of woof-woof, his version of oopsie and sometimes oopsie-daisy and shoes.
~signs all done and milk.
~had his 1st haircut!
~really likes Mommy's attention and doesn't like to play by himself for very long.
~his little personality is coming through more and more.  He has a little temper that can show when he wants something or doesn't get what he wants.  He's so sweet, though...loves babies and loves to wave hello at anyone who will look his way!

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